Wednesday 4 March 2015

Should we clone our pets

In a magazine recently I read an interesting article called 'can we clone our pets' however I think the question is incorrect.
The question that should be asked is should we clone our pets.
In this technology advanced age at some point it is a foregone conclusion that we will be able to clone beloved pets, amongst other things, such as 3 parents to reduce disease.
However in a world where we cannot manage to house the pets that we have and over 3 million animals are put down in the US alone, is it fair to clone a pet that has just died.
I myself have had 2 beloved dogs, both Norfolk terriers. The 1st was called Archie and he was very loved as he was my 1st dog, he had him for 13 years before he passed away, and when he was gone we we're devestated.
After 2 years later we made the decision to get a new dog although we were worried that he might replace Archie, so we had our 2nd dog called scrubby.
Whereas Archie was temperamental and complicated, Scrubby was mellow and easy going, Archie was golden and beautiful, Scrubby was foxy red and handsome.
We found out by looking at Scrubby's pedigree certificate that he was actually related to Archie through a grandmother.
The point that I am trying to make is that if we had cloned Archie we would never have had the joy of Scrubby.
Now that Scrubby has passed my hope is that in a few years we will get another dog, maybe a different breed this time as I do not want to push my luck.
Also what about the cost, how much would it cost to clone a pet, surely it would be thousands of pounds / dollars, therefore this would be a luxury of the rich.
Personally I would rather rehome.
At some point we will start to play with the animals genes and the DNA and who knows what will evolve, 6 legged dogs, cats that can fly, tiny elephants - it sounds crazy but humanity does like to tinker!
Please any thoughts or comments below, thanks ;0)

Thursday 1 January 2015


Wow, so 2014 is over and is it me or did that year go really fast.
Although I do enjoy Christmas, spending time with my family and giving presents, it's also a period of reflection and I also seem to notice what is missing from my life, I seem to be the eternal singleton (that's another story).
It's not that I hate my life, I work, have a nice house and a family that loves me, with a niece and nephew that worship me (the feelings are mutual).
It's just this is the time of year when everyone is suppose to be really happy and for me that never happens, am unsure why, the most that I am is content.
This year I have made a greater effort - I am trying to learn another language, do some online courses, trying to learn the piano, to go out more, to try to do some new things and visit my sister more often.
I am currently on my way from Cardiff (Wales) to Reading (outside London) to spend New Year's Eve with my sister and her family.
I have been advised that they will going to bed at 10pm, so the 2 hours that I see them will be great(!).
The train is really packed but instead of people reading books and magazines almost everyone is on their phone or listening to music. How times have changed that I can carry my entire music library around with me including audiobooks and podcasts.
As its January 1st I will be filled with the hope that although my circumstances will not change much next year, at least I will be slightly happier and that's all that matters.
So I am wishing you all Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a good new year. May you all have a good year with things that make you happy

Sunday 12 October 2014

Winter is coming

So it's now the 12th October and the weather has definitely changed for the worse, not that it's a bad thing.  Summer looks like it's finally over so instead of heat there's the cold.

With the cold comes some luxury surprises, like warm woolly jumpers, thick coats and warm boots with thick socks; coming in after a cold day and having warm tea or hot chocolate ... Ummmm.

My personal favourite is being wrapped up warm with a good book while the rain and wind howling outside, although I also enjoy walking with my big, warm boots on, while the wind whips through my hair, it's nice.

Thinking about Christmas and it's cold enough that it may snow this year and I love watching a blizzard through the window, being happy I am indoors, although that feeling may change if I actually have to go outside!

Sometimes when it snows at night I look out the window and watch the snow settle, it's a perfect white blanket covering everything ... So smooth and soft, with nothing to disturb it ... Then the following morning it's covered with animal tracks, like a path tracing their route during the day. When I walk through the snow if I see a clear patch I will make a footprint or walk across it so my route is shown.

Thanks for reading ;0)

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Its October Already

Wow I cannot believe that it’s the 1st day of October
What has happened to this year???
Its quite warm for this time of the year and I could almost think its July
As its October, for me, this is the birthday month
I am the 2nd, my sister is 14th and my mother is 27th
Its nice to give presents and see them having a good time
Personally I am not sure how I feel about birthdays anymore
When you are a child its all about the attention
As an adult, its all about the age
Weird as you seem to change less as you grow older
Same responsibilities, same job
Still time keeps ticking, so until next time
If you have any thoughts on birthdays, please leave them below

Friday 19 September 2014

Paperless Office!!!

I love technology
I love it when new products are released
The fun of finding out how they work and what they do
I use all types of technology and all types of media

The problem comes when technology stops
I am sure that we all have bad days when the computer stops working or the network is down
So frustrating

Apparently I work in a paperless office
Except for all the paper that I use to make notes
Its quite efficient as all the records needed are to hand
I just have to log into 6 different systems first

The problems start when my system is down, its like banging you head against a wall
No work can be down, I just sit there waiting, waiting and waiting

So my system went down yesterday and I logged a call with IT
My system was still down today, apparently the fact that I cannot do any work
Is not classed as a high priority!!!
Luckily after ringing 5 times someone remotely fixed it about 5pm
So at least I could get some work done
Well, until next time...

Wednesday 10 September 2014

1st Post - Ummm

So here I sit with a blank screen in front of me trying to decide what to write my 1st post about, to make it readable and interesting ;0)

I have a few subjects in mind buy am not sure where to start:-
* about me, my OCD, depression and fears
* my hopes, ideas and dreams
* opinions on the news
* ideas about technology
* thoughts on books, films, TV and documentaries
* opinions about general topics
* how about a poem about not knowing

I have written some ideas down, yes using and old-fashioned paper and pen.
I am not sure where to start

Perhaps that's the point, that it should be completely random
Maybe I will put the topics in a hat and just pick 1 out

If you have any suggestions about what I should write about, please write them below
Thanks for reading

Sunday 7 September 2014


I am just a girl with OCD trying to get through lifehopefully I can post something to make you think or just rant about something to make you laugh, feel free to comment